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Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia
| 860310 | Pisces | Tiger | 176cm | 52kg | Tadika Chim | SJKC Yuk Chai | SMK Damansara Jaya | National Service Pioneer | Tunku Abdul Rahman College | Sheffield Hallam University | Tutor | Tuition Studio | Musician | Song Writer | Producer | Photographer | Web Designer | Leivad Creative | Doesn't Smoke | Drinks |

♥ Nuffnang♥

Saturday 31 January 2009

: : the day she went away : :


She left..She officially left..
We've said our goodbyes..Hugged each other goodbye..
Thats the bestest hug I've gotten..
I'll never forget the moment..

We tried to be happy so no one will tear..
We tried..But its hard..
Tears start falling when she hugged mom..

That day..
We had our reunion lunch together..
Just before CNY..
We used to have reunion dinner in grandma's place..During CNY eve..
This year..Reunion lunch..At our very home..
Felt different..

For 21 years, we've celebrated CNY together..
This is the year that the tradition was broken..
2 days before CNY..We went to KLIA..
Checked in..Ate at McD's..
Just moments before the final call..
Thats when we said our goodbyes..

Although we've been in different countries before..
But the feeling is just different..
She's going to be away till June..
And I'm gonna be in UK in June..
Don't know if I'll see her again this year..
This might be the last time i'm gonna see her in 2009..

I miss her..
My mom misses her..
Mom emo after she board the plane..
Who will not emo??
What's left of her here are photos..
I know she'll be back soon..Real soon..
But yet, can't help missing..

*With friends and family*

*I miss you*

1 comment:

  1. gor, when i read ur blog.. me oso feel emo lo..
    dun so sad la.. monica wil bak de...
    sumore stil got internet mah..
    hehe... cheer up gor..
