MJ's gone...
Bye MJ..
Thursday, 25 June 2009
Life in Sheffield - Day 19 (Of Michael Jackson)
Frosted on the imprints of an ice slate by
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Life in Sheffield - Day 12 (Wetness-day)
Hi all!!
I'm starting to think that it will rain EVERY Wednesday.
I don't know why but I had to walk back to my hostel under the rain EVERY Wednesday.
This is how my day is like today.
ʘ 0700: Wake up
ʘ 0715: Prepare breakfast and lunch
ʘ 0825: Finish eating and start walking to Uni
ʘ 0900: Start lecture
ʘ 1100: Went to Stoddart Deli to have my prepared lunch
ʘ 1200: Start seminar
ʘ 1300: Start raining
ʘ 1400: Walked to highstreet alone
After this routine, I didn't look at the clock much.
But this is what I did.
ʘ Went grocery shopping
ʘ Walked back to hostel under the rain
ʘ Have second lunch
ʘ Decided not to go to Manchester
ʘ Chatted with Yinli via WLM
ʘ Napped
ʘ Have dinner
ʘ Went to Andrew's flat to chat
ʘ Blog
Not a very interesting blog post I must say.
Its a typical day for me (except chatting with Yinli, I don't do that very often)
Hopefully it will not rain next wednesday.
Any other days but not wednesday *haha*
Don't ask me why, I don't know.
So, let wait for the next post.
I'll try to make it an interesting one (compared to this)
Frosted on the imprints of an ice slate by
Monday, 15 June 2009
Life in Sheffield - Day 9 (Chatsworth House)
Hi all~!!!
Now, its time for the second part of my outing last saturday.
Chatsworth house!!
Okay, Chatsworth house is a house lived by the Duke and Dutchess long long time ago.
*I don't know exactly when because I didn't listen*
Entrance fee : Garden(£6)+ House(£3.50)= £9.50!!!
Okay, the garden was very nice but the house..not so good.
Wasn't really in the mood for histories about the duke and dutchess whom I don't even know.
Nevertheless we paid the extra £3.50 so might as well take photos in there. Right??
Chatsworth house is HUGE!!!
So huge it took us slightly less than one hour to just tour through the house without stopping and reading much about the history.
Nothing much to talk today so I shall start eh photo spam.
I've already took out many photos from my original album so that the post will not be so long.
But 50+ photos is still alot right?
*Gate and entrance to Chatsworth House*
*Same entrace - view from the inside of the house*
Inside the house area, I am greeted by a lot of statues.
You know how much people from the past LOVE statues right?
I love statues too!!!
*Few of the many statues over there*
Oh and you know how much rich people love to have their ceilings painted.
Every ceiling in this house is painted.
None of each room's ceiling is painted the same.
*Painting of the Angels*
*The stairs - Totally vintage*
*Then we met hantu!!*
Haha its actually people walking but my camera is on slow shutter speed.
*A small part of the view outside*
*I wonder if the piano will break if I played on it*
*Carving of The Last Supper*
*Another thing I like - Grandfather's Clock*
*Marble furnace*
*Vintage keys and displays*
*Group photo*
*Part of the library*
*More statues*
This ends part one of the Chatsworth House.
I have many more photos but sadly I couldn't shouldn't give the entire tour to you.
It would've been too long like most of my outing posts.
The next part will be the Garden!!
*Relaxing in the garden while..*
*..the others went to buy ice-cream!!*
*Everyone loves a nice BIG ice-cream*
After finishing our ice-cream, we saw a few little kids rolling down the slope in the grass field.
So some of us decided to have some fun.
After a couple of rounds of rolling, more of us join in the fun!!
*Rolling fun*
*Another style of rolling*
*Jump shots*
*More jump shots*
*Andrew and Sunkel*
*HUGE water feature in the garden*
*Thats me!!*
I realise that I take a lot more potrait photos whereas many other people takes more landscape photos.
*Here's a glimpse of how big the house is*
Then we make our way to the maze in the garden.
*Nice road with trees at both sides*
On the way to the maze, these two super models stopped to have some photos snapped.
*Stef and Yvette*
*Green green grass*
*Just before the maze*
*Inside the maze*
*Somebody kena pijak sampai mati*
After the maze, we went to the rock garden.
*Vyen lifting a rock*
*Absolutely love this photo*
*Andrew the "lion"*
We didn't have enough time to tour the whole garden as it was too big!!
But we have to get onto the bus by 5pm so we had to head back ):
*On the way back*
*Lovely sky for eling, Andrew for beilynn*
*This just look awesome*
Thats all for the photo spam this time.
Well, forgive me if the post is too long as it is hard not to snap many photos with a Dslr.
*laughs* This photos are only some that are extracted from my original album.
You can check out my web album in Facebook HERE!!!
*Just click on the word "HERE"*
So, this wraps up my entire weekend.
Wait up till my next update. BYE~!!!
Frosted on the imprints of an ice slate by
Saturday, 13 June 2009
Life in Sheffield - Day 7 (Buxton)
Hi all!!!
Today is a fun day!!
Went for our very first outing outside Sheffield today with the Hallam Union.
This trip costs me £20.50!!!
Trip (Transportation only): £11
Chatsworth House fee (Garden + House): £9.50
It is expensive (compared to my daily expenses) but wth, its a good opportunity to see parts of the world which I have never seen before right?
Furthermore everyone is going, so I shall succumb to peer pressure *hehe*
First, something about the Hallam Union.
Hallam Union organises trips for us every Saturday.
This week is Buxton and Chatsworth House.
Next week is York, another week....I forgot.
Anyway, there are other trip organisers other than Hallam Union.
One of them went to York this week and Cambridge next.
So, today's trip is about Buxton and Chatsworth House.
Buxton is a town about an hour and a half by coach from Sheffield.
It has a few parks, outdoor activities, and a museum.
Other than that, the place is FULL with dogs, old people and kids.
*Oh Stef Chin said that*
I'll only talk about Buxton today.
*If I talk about Chatsworth House, it'll be a photo spam of 200+ photos*
So yes, only Buxton for today.
*Of hills and slopes*
As you can see, Buxton is a town with many hills and slopes.
I think its something like cameron back home, located a little higher than anywhere else.
*Group photo*
After walking for only a short while, we notice that there are many dogs around this town.
These dogs aren't stray, they are some valuable breeds.
Also, many of those dogs aren't leashed.
For example..
*A large dog outside a shop*
No, this dog isn't trying to get into the shop.
Actually, it is waiting for its owner to get out of the shop.
Dogs in this area are mostly well trained.
They will not enter shops unless told to, runaway, or even leave their dog wastes anywhere *impressed*
*Following the owner once more*
*Waiting outside another shop*
Over there we climbed stairs..
Climbed slopes..
and took photographs..
and thats all we do actually.
*continue photo spamming*
Over in UK, the place is GREEN!!!
Everywhere you go, its GREEN!!!
*Greens and more greens!!* *love it*
Oh and there are a lot of Audi there too!!
*Audi TT*
Sometimes, its really hard for us to reach our destination.
A 20minute walk can take us 40minutes to arrive!!
The reason..
*We take photos..*
*..more photos..*
*..and MORE photos..*
*..never ending photos!!!!!*
For every ten steps we walk, 3 photos are taken.
Thats how we waste our time *hehe*
*There you go, another photo*
This chapel *I think its a chapel* is something I like.
It is located at a square and the bell goes whenever the clock strikes every hour.
It is really nice. Really vintage.
*Different people facing different cameras*
Finally, we reached Pavillion Garden.
It is one of the BIG gardens there. Really nice.
*In front of Pavilion Garden*
*Take a self potrait before everyone squeezes into the photo*
The fields in UK is totally different than the ones back home.
You can spot many lil white flowers on the grass field anytime, anywhere.
*Little little white flowers*
*Are they called daisies??*
*There are ducks by the pond too*
*Reminds me about the Ugly Duckling*
*The three shorties and the two beauties*
*Pond side*
*Blurred because Stef hold my camera for the first time*
*Yvette dgn Saya*
Oh Peewee went to Buxton with me too!!
*Yes, it has an official name now*
Peewee used to have many names by different people.
Miss Re-placed, Attention, Peewee... *what else??*
*Sitting on the grass..*
*Oh I just LOVE their houses*
*Another self potrait*
*Vyen the only guy*
*By the playgound by the train*
*Sunray by the leaves*
*Our "tourguide" and Yvette*
*Train tracks* *I love long straight roads like this*
Then came a dog..
*THE dog*
*..and people starts to play with it..*
*Group photo with doggie*
Then comes the duck series..
*Little boy feeding ducks with bread*
*Ducks - like watching them, but don't like eating them*
Oh and there's a..I don't know what's it called..
But its bigger than ducks in size.
*We shall call it "bird"*
It is a beautifull weekend summer.
People bring their children and grandchildren to the park.
*Girl on train ride*
*"I wonder if UNCLE Vyen has bad intentions" said the girl*
*Cherlene acting cute as always*
*Cherlene wants duck for dinner*
*In the process of taking group photo with another camera*
*The whole BIG group*
*Wish you were here*
*Caught Peewee sleeping on the grass*
*Pooh and me*
*I wonder why always these three girls saja..*
After the park, we went for lunch.
And then I spotted another hot audi.
*Audi A4*
*Lunch at Subway. £1.99 each*
Lucky I brought my own sandwich *Didn't wanna spend much on food anyways*
After lunch, we walked for about 40minutes for a fruitless sight.
Walked so far but didn't get much of it *hehe*
*Green fields..but 40minutes for it??!!!*
*Ah Hock's favourite girl*
*See..even Andrew is tired after the walk*
Finally after walking back to the bus, we head for our next destination - Chatsworth House.
Chatsworth house used to be the living place for the duke and dutchess.
It is now a tourist attraction spot and also a famous house for films.
Parts of movies like Pride & Prejudice, wolfman, and the dutchess was shot in this very house.
I'm not going to write about that trip today as it is already 1am here.
Might continue after I wake up from my sleep.
Guess there should be enough photo spams for you tonight.
Next post - Chatsworth House OR Suxin's birthday!!
Frosted on the imprints of an ice slate by