This happened some time back, Mommy booked everyone in the family for a dinner on Saturday night.
It was a night for our family.
So as good son and daughter, both my sis and I stayed home.
Dinner was pretty simple but I don't know how long my parents took to prepare it.
There were salmon sashimi, boiled mini octopus, and baked mussels.
Oh there's sushi rice and seaweed too if we want to eat it with the salmon sashimi.
Salmon Sashimi
Boiled Mini Octopus
Daddy's favourite.
Baked Mussels
After dinner, we cleaned up a little and proceed to our upstairs living room for a movie.
Yes, this movie is two month old already.
But who cares la!! And..and..we bought the original DVD to support the hard work of Malaysian Broadcast.
Its a pretty good movie, even better when coupled with good family company!!
hehehe gonna make a point to have a family movie screening every week.
Can't wait to buy the media player so we can watch movies on the TV.
We should spend more time with our family, agree??
Monday, 29 March 2010
A toast to good food and a great family!!
Frosted on the imprints of an ice slate by
Sunday, 28 March 2010
The craziest Cheng Beng ever!!!
Every chinese will know that it is Cheng Beng season now.
Its time to be a filial child or grandchild.
Its time to clean the cemetary for our late ancestors and pray for them.
Every year, my family (along with extended family) will head up to the mountain next to Tian Hou Gong (天后宫) at Taman Seputeh.
Because my grandparents are both cremenated, we don't have to go to the cemetary.
Instead, we have to go to a temple where my grandparents' ashes are kept to pray.
This year, its no different.
Placing food on the table
Not for the living..
..its for the late ancestors.
Smokey area
Hurts the eyes.
Everyone is hoping the dead will have a good afterlife
Everything was normal, until my grandparents finished "eating" and its our turn to eat.
We realised that the usual eating spot was closed so we thought it'll be fine if we find a shady spot to eat.
Before we can take our food out, a volunteer from the temple told us that we cannot eat in the temple area.
Now, we have to find another spot to go makan so my dad suggested to go to Lake Garden (a.k.a Taman Tasik Perdana) to have a "picnic".
Today, lake garden was pretty packed because UOB decided to have a function there.
There weren't many parking and as we drove further into the park, we were stuck in a jam.
Yes, not caught..but stuck.
The initial 2 lane road turned into a single lane because as ignorant Malaysians,
we like to park by the side of the road because its really convenient for us.
Now, how can a single lane road accomodate vehicles coming from 2 directions?
In the end, vehicles from both direction can't move and there was a huge confusion over there.
Feeling upset, our convoy (5 cars in total) decided to make a turn and get out of the park.
We then decided that the national memorial would be the next best place as its just opposite Lake Garden.
Upon arriving, everyone was so hungry that we just sat at a shady place and have our little "picnic" there.
We were at a really awkward place as there are tourists walking from the entrance to the bus.
Everyone will look at us with curiousity, thinking if there's someone selling food.
It was really funny la but who cares, the whole family is together and that's all that matters.
Today was really really crazy because we never expected these events to happen.
First, our usual makan spot was closed.
Second, we mistook many road just to reach our destination, Lake Garden.
Thrid, got stuck in Lake Garden..in the car.
Fourth, makan at an awkward location.
Looks like we have 1 year to look for a decent picnic spot for next year's Cheng Beng.
So how's your Cheng Beng?? Come share it!!
Frosted on the imprints of an ice slate by
Wednesday, 24 March 2010
If Germany has Haribo Gummy Bears, Malaysia has..???
If you don't know yet, my family *dad in particular* is a HUGE fan of Haribo Gummy Bears.
These little gummy bears come in many colours and are very chewy.
Some people find them really tasteless but we just love it!!
For those of you who haven't seen it before, walk to the nearest cold storage and find this..
Haribo Gummy Bears!!!
League of Gummi's!!!!
Oh this reminds me so much about Disney Channel's Gummi Bears!!
Okay, 'nuff said..
Like ze title said, if Germany has Haribo Gummy Bears, Malaysia has..???
What are these????
Hoi Tin Tong Gui Ling Gao Gummy!!!!
These little tortoises are very cute.
They are even more detailed than Haribo's Gummy Bears.
But like them, these tortoise gummies are also pretty tasteless.
But it has the similiar texture of the gummy bears and are chewy as well.
Me likey!!!
So thats all for this post~!!!
See you next time!!!
Frosted on the imprints of an ice slate by
Tuesday, 23 March 2010
Sammy Chia's 21st Birthday!!!
Whoa so many birthdays this month!!!
I've been sending out Happy Birthday messages ALOT this month okay.
More than 10 already.
Anyways smashpOp's birthday is March 21.
We'll move back 2 days to March 19 for Sammy's Birthday.
Sammy's 21st Birthday is today!!!
Couldn't miss it since he already informed me about a month ago.
Was scheduled to be back from the Northern Region today but we came back a day before because we've done our job.
*This is called efficient tau!!*
Prepared everything and went to Sammy's 5 storey house.
YES!!!! His house is a freaking 5 storey building!!!
One day get his permission to shoot all over his house then post in my blog yaa!!
As soon as I reached, 1st thing..Camwhore!!!
Jetavana Gang
Chian Huey, Leslie, 13, Crystal(back), 10, Ting Dian(power shortage)
Poser Ee Ling
Yu Shan playing games..
..on Ee Ling's phone
Left - Ping Pong Table
Right - Swimming Pool
Indoor Garden =.=
Not the one in the 1st photo.
This is another one. Shorter version.
Cake Cutting Session
3 storey high cake!!!!
Oh the image quality is the result of Ultra High ISO + Facebook's "excellent" compressing method.
Camwhore again!!!
I love my fisheye laa!!
Next, introducing the NOOB gang!!
Yen (with cap), forgot-her-name
Too many to name
Denise and Mei Shi
Nah nah nah..these two photos and the rest of Denise's photos in my facebook album isn't shot by me yaa!!!!
Thats all for that night.
It was a really fun night and I get to catch up with Sammy since we haven't met for so long.
Went home in the morning to prepare for the next day.
Thats all for now..
Frosted on the imprints of an ice slate by
Monday, 22 March 2010 Its pOp-day!!!
wOot!!! I just celebrated my birthday less than 2 weeks ago.
Then now its pOp-day!!!!
Okay okay for those who don't know what is pOp-day,
its actually smashpOp's birthday.
exactly 11 days after mine - March 21, 2010!!
Since my girlf said its nice to put the picture up,
then I put it up laa!!
Happy Birthday Brader!!!
Remember to show me Mrs pOp one day ya!!!
Oh, and thank my girlf la cuz she asked me to put it up.
so give the Kido Daruma to her yaa!!!!
*Oh must remember to put*
Happy Birthday smashpOp!
I want Kido Daruma from ActionCity!!
I want to give it to my girlf can!!
Frosted on the imprints of an ice slate by
Monday, 15 March 2010
A Birthday Full of Surprises
Time flies so very fast.
Its my birthday once again and yes, i'm getting old.
*though I still look younger than my age*
I have so many lovely people to celebrate my birthday with.
Can't thank them enough.
I'll compile the photos and post it in the next post laa.
For now, lets just concentrate on my birthday itself. March 10, 2010.
It was a Wednesday.
As usual, I only plan to celebrate my day with my family.
Its a day dedicated to my mom for bringing me to this world.
Its also a day dedicated to both my parents for taking care of me for over 20 years.
*Oh..emo again*
Also as usual, I'm a full vegetarian on that day.
This means no meat, no alcohol.
Since I already started working, going to the office has been part of my life.
As usual *again* I went to my office at 10:15am.
Had a meeting at 11:30am when Chien Hui texted me "what time's your lunch? I wanna find you for lunch."
Since I know that the meeting will last pretty long, I just told her that I won't be having lunch because I've got a meeting going on.
The meeting lasted until approximately 3:00pm.
Then I called Yinli since she texted me.
Manatau, she was at Hometown Kopitiam - just 2mins walk from my office!!
I rushed to find her. As soon as I saw that lil girl, she teared.
The poor girl took a train from Kampar at 9am,
took the LRT to kelana jaya LRT station,
took a shuttle bus to the Curve,
arrived at 1:30pm,
waited until 3:00pm only to hear me say I have to continue my meeting later.
Good thing I have a very nice boss.
He and my colleagues treated us lunch and gave me the rest of the day off.
He said "She has made her presence felt by coming all the way from kampar, its your turn to let her feel your presence. Don't you ever think about work and the meeting later."
And I know, having your presence felt isn't just about being there physically.
Theres more to that.
So thats all for the biggest surprise for my 24th birthday.
Till next time!!!!!
Where can I have a blogpost without a photo??
Hrm..there you go, a photo of us!!
Thank you so much for the surprise!!!!!
Till next time!!!
Frosted on the imprints of an ice slate by
Thursday, 11 March 2010
Sheffield Hallam University Graduation 2010
Woot!!! I'm an official Honours Degree Graduate!!
Yes yes, I graduated last Sunday (March 7,2010)
Lets talk about that day.
Early in the morning, Daddy and Mommy made me a very lovely breakfast.
Pancakes with Strawberries + Sausages & Tea!!
*Pancake with Strawberries*
*Sausage + Pancake*
Best of all, its filled with LOVE!!
After that I head to One World Hotel where our graduation will be held.
Met so many familiar faces there.
Really happy to be in the Uni feel once again.
*You don't get to see so many friends in the office you know??!!!*
Queue to collect graduation robe and take self potrait
Me, Qing, Lai Kuan, Yvette, Fung
Chee Hong, Yin Yee, Abby, Jackson, Melisa
Mei Mun, Leslie
Eah!! Haven't seen Fung for so long ddi
Really missed the time we had in Italy.
My beloved housemate - Yean Ree
Rachel Sifu
Pauline's flowers are yummy!!
Keewee and Leslie
Ah Mond (Left-most with the big grin) photobomb!!!
Two of our tallest guys
Aik and Jin
Daddy and Mommy!!!!!!!!!!
Joanne Wong
Poor girl couldn't attend her own graduation cuz she has to work.
The life of an auditor..aihz..
The hall doesn't look grand at all!!
But oh well...
David Kyle giving his speech
Very long didn't see ang moh ddi lerrr.
VIPs sitting on the stage
This is MY Moment
Super touched to get this cert. LOL
Eva and Melanie came!!
Poor eVie, sick also die die wanna come
Thank you so very much!!
Joanne ze Spy, eVie, Sammy!!!
SRDC Traders. The most supporting group ever!!
Thank you eVie for this!!
Su Xin and Winnie
Sin Ling. Nice girl.
Victor wants to graduate DESPERATELY!!
This was just the 1st round for the day.
After returning the graduation robe, I had dinner with Eva, Melanie and the SRDC traders at Pasta Zanmai.
The food was GOOD!!! So good that I forgot to take photo.
After some time, Eewen called and SHOWED UP at Pasta Zanmai along with Chien Hui, Sean, Wing, Michelle and Joanne!!!
OMG Surprised sial!!!
THey got me a lovely birthday card and gift.
Will post it up in the next entry (:
After Zanmai + Surprise by Heap Hope Gang, its time to hangout with the uni bunch again!!
We went to Neway to have a really expensive karaoke session.
Really really felt conned but oh well, its a good day so don't care laa.
Its a really fun day, a good day too.
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