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Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia
| 860310 | Pisces | Tiger | 176cm | 52kg | Tadika Chim | SJKC Yuk Chai | SMK Damansara Jaya | National Service Pioneer | Tunku Abdul Rahman College | Sheffield Hallam University | Tutor | Tuition Studio | Musician | Song Writer | Producer | Photographer | Web Designer | Leivad Creative | Doesn't Smoke | Drinks |

♥ Nuffnang♥

Friday, 26 February 2010

Is It Too Late For Them To Be Forgiven??

Have you ever came across something that you know isn't good for you,
yet you want to try it.
You've never got the guts to do it until one day you just go "Oh what the heck.." and try.
After that, you don't feel good doing and said "I'm never ever gonna do this again"
But..thats not the end.
The emotional scars will probably haunt you for life..even if you know that you're not gonna do it ever again.
You've gained a valuable lesson by paying a heavy price.
Are you still worth forgiving?

Simply put it in this term (if you still don't get it)
Curiosity killed the cat.
Sure..It doesn't kill us to try it. But it'll keep haunting us until we can bear it no more.
In such cases, can the wrong doer(namely you) be forgiven?

Simple examples such as taking drugs.
You know its not good for you.
You always wonder how it feels like to be that high..How does it taste like?
You inject your 1st drug shot (we call 'em virgin shot!!)
You felt high and also the after effects.
The headache!! The pain!! The agony!!
You hate it and pledge that you'll not do drugs ever again.
(Assume that you're lucky enough to not be addicted)

You learned a valuable lesson about the after effects of drugs.
You know, you'll never ever do it again.
But..Should you be forgiven for taking it?

Lets have a more common scenario.
Cheating in a relationship.
You have a boyfriend/girlfriend.
But you always wonder how does it feel to have intimate relationship with another person.
One day, you just tried it. Have sex with someone.
You didn't like it. You didn't like cheating on your other half but you will only feel that after trying.
From that day on, you tell yourself "I'm not gonna do it anymore"
You've learned that you're not the kind of person who can play the cheating game.
You learned it by experiencing it.
You love your boyfriend/girlfriend more than ever because thoughts about "how does it feel like" doesn't distract you anymore.
Can you be forgiven for cheating in the first place?

I'm a pretty sensitive guy.
I gain inspiration from movies, songs, happenings and everything around me.
Sometimes, thoughts like this just triggers me and it makes me wonder.
So, to all my beloved readers,
Kindly help me to answer this question by COMMENTING on this post.
Please do not write it on my chatbox(cbox) on the left of my blogpost because your answers won't last.
If you do not know how to COMMENT. Just click on the "COMMENTS" link right after this post.
It will lead you to a text box where you can comment on it.

So, let me present the question to you.

Please do IGNORE the myth that said "if he/she can cheat once, there'll be the second time..and the third"
Please answer this question with the perspective that your boyfriend/girlfriend REALLY regrets cheating and will never do it again.
Thank you very much!!!

Thursday, 18 February 2010

Mataikan?? Mata-ikan?? Fish Eye??

Fish Eye lens!!!!
This lens is nothing like the other lens out there.
It has a super wide angle of almost 180° and it can capture almost anything from your left to right (or right to left, anyway you like)

Samyang 8 mm f/3.5 Aspherical IF MC Fish-eye

Am lazy to shoot the photo of my actual lens, so curi from another website 1st.

I took this lens out to meet the same gang who went to broga hill in the previous post.
Stef wanted to drink (and get drunk) so we went to several places in search for good cocktails.
Go go search search..In the end we settled for Funky Villa at e@curve.
Its a pretty nice place to hangout and drink (IMO)

The gang


Funky Villa

The place is actually bigger than what I've captured.
I didn't walk the whole place.

Our first drink - Funky Margarita

Its a 4 coloured frozen margarita that can feed all 7 of us.
More photos down below.

Its big..really big..

Oh there's fire crackers too!!!
I think it burned my hair a lil.

Ewin playing with slow shutter + the swivel effect straws.

Jing missing in the photo

BIG HEAD photo

Flaming Lambo

This prolly killed Stef

Another group photo


Heart shaped flower


Another flaming lambo

Stef's killer

This is what happens IF you have too much to drink

Nice wall decor for CNY and Vday!!

Ze wall + ze lighting


..and kisses

Final group photo before we leave

More photos available here.

Funky Villa its a really nice place to hangout with friends while having some drinks.
I'll definitely go there again, with my college gang.
Haven't seen them in a really long time.
Miss them pulaks!!!!
Anyways stay tuned for my next post!!!!
Won't have to wait long for it already (:

Monday, 15 February 2010

Bangun Pagi Project - Broga Hill

Hello to my long abandoned blog.
Have been pretty busy lately.
Though I've been pretty busy (and lazy) there's always time for friends kan??

[2010.02.07] Broga Hill

Hoho~!!! This is the day I hear much complains.
Complains like:
"who's idea is it to climb this hill arr??"
"can someone tell me what are we doing here instead of sleeping?"
Yes, we all love sleeping on a lazy Sunday morning when we do not have to work.
But climbing a hill or doing some exercise is good too right??

In case you are still blur about what I'm talking about,
we climbed Broga Hill on this day.
Some slept early and wake up at 3am,
Some couldn't sleep.
Some already have breakfast at 3am and are preparing to climb.
These are what we do before the climb (:

Broga Hill needs little introduction.
It is one of the easiest hill to climb and a pretty famous spot for photographers.
You'll know why in a while.
Now, let the photos talk.

The Bangun Pagi Gang
Stef, Chris, Ewin, Yin, Jing, Evie, ME!!!
This was my first time climbing when its still dark.

Jing facing the night sky

Yin with MY peewee~

Stef molesting peewee

Chris and Yin

Jing oh-so-sleepy

Chris and Yin behind Evie

Stef and Jing

Titanic Pose??

Failed Titanic Pose

Ewin - Alpha User

Man-ly pose



We secured a nice spot despite the many people there!!!
Cuz we climb up early..very early..

Our Gears

Road to the next peak

Sunrise - this shot made it worth the effort

Broga Hill - also known as Gunung Lalang

Thats all for this post!!!
Next post - Same gang, Different place.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

28 years and counting..

28 years. This is how long my parents have been married.
Last Sunday(Jan 31,2010) We celebrated their 28th anniversary at The Curve.
We had dinner at a Bavarian Restaurant and Pub.

Nothing much to talk about laa, so here are some photos.

My arm..

Sis played with bokeh

Ze Menu

Daddy in the background

White and Dark German Beer.

I forgot their name.

Internal Decor

Internal Decor

Knuckle Combo

Bratwurst Combo

Daddy starting the feast!!

Daddy and Mommy

F2.8 not bright enough *curse!!!*





Yummy dinner

"Sliced" Bratwurst


Eh the glasses not empty okay!!

Drink up drink up!!!

Preparing for Valentine's Day, anyone??


Underexposed again!!

Nobody wants her...LOL!!!

After a fun night of family time, everyone went back home happy.
2 more years and its their 30th Anniversary!!!